Short Stories:
A quirky, dark horror tale splashed with some old mob-style humor. And the first story published by my Drunken Skald Press imprint.
All other digital formats.
Dark Gardens- a Gathering of Thom Erb’s short fiction.
On the surface, most gardens are filled with lush, beautiful flowers,
erupting with radiant colors and designs. But deep beneath this leafy, sylvan veneer of thisERB GARDEN, lies something far different…something far more dark, cold and frightening. Inside these pages, are all the short tales written by Thom Erb to date. Lock the doors, close the blinds and grab your favorite beverage, a heavy blanket and hold it close. But be forewarned, for even though you may be cuddled up nice and warm inside your house, these stories will hold elements of horror, revenge, love, justice, violence and suspense. Behold nice splashes of Erb for your reading pleasure…Just remember that not all things are as they appear and perception is not always to be trusted.
Purchase now in ebook, print format!
Prelude to the Apocalypse- an Eternal Flame Prequal.
Every story has an origin…Every end of the world has the beginning of the
end.This short collection of dark, Erbal tales shines a light on the horrific events leading up the release the virus that ends the Eternal Flame universe.
All Other Formats
Anthologies I’ve Edited:
Death Be Not Proud- a Zombie Anthology-
The Walking Dead Challenge the Grim Reaper with every staggering step they
take out of the grave. Their reeking existence mocks and defies the Master of the Underworld and scoffs at his very existence. Even the cold grasp of the grave can’t deny the undead of their taste for flesh and hatred of the living. In This collection, You will find tales that are dark, gory and satirical. They examine flesh-eating zombies from a fresh perspective while never losing their horrific instinctual, undead nature….their need to feed! Includes stories from Gord Rollo, Joseph Mulak, Joe McKinney, Gregory Hall, Lucy Snyder, Rick Hautala, Steven Shrewsbury, Scott Christian Carr, David Dunwoody, Sheldon Higdon, Skip Novak, Dave Brockie, Jonathan Maberry.
Purchase now in print format!
Christmas in Hell-
Ring in the holidays with this dark, chilling collection of twelve stories that will surely make you guzzle that rum-filled eggnog. Not everyone loves Christmas
and all the “quality” time we get to share with those we love. And once you dig into this yule-timed anthology you will truly see the dark side of the Holiday season.
Inside Christmas in Hell you will discover zombies, ravenous reindeer, satanic Santas, psychotic spouses and much more macabre shenanigans that will make the twelve days of Christmas fly by like a reindeer hopped up on a keg of Red Bull.
Table of Contents:
“One hell of a Christmas”………………..Joseph Mulak
“Reindeer Feed”……………………………..Darren Gallagher
“The Christmas Goblin”…………………..Dean Harrison
“Shop ’till you Drop”……………………….Nick Cato
“Merry Christmas Bitch”………………….Skip Novak
“I, Claus- A Poem”…………………………..Ignatius O’Brien
“Lane feeds the Multitude”……………….Lincoln Crisler
“Hung with Care”…………………………….Ty Schwamberger
“To Grandmother’s house we go.”………Gregory Hall
“Christmas Town”…………………………….Charles Day
“The Dollhouse”……………………………….Alex Katrin
“Christmastime in Zombietown”………..Michael Boatman